Gamification: don’t limit yourself by definitions

It came to my attention that people are still struggling with the definition of Gamification. For me, a definition is a guide line, nothing more. The broader the definition, the more I like it. There is some confusion about the difference between Gamification and Serious (or Applied) Gaming. In general Serious Gaming is about turning reality into a game and Gamification is about bringing game...
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Gamification: board please!

The importance of boarding is hugely underestimated within Gamification. Seems that the focus is solely on the reward system. I have said it once and I will say it again: “without people boarding, everything else becomes useless.” Set your priorities straight. Time to be more specific about the boarding mechanism. Due to the immense competition, the game-industry has pushed this vital...
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Let’s gamify that bridge!

A new buoy and trampoline bridge over the Seine river in Paris, France, proposed by an architectural firm. I like it, what I love it and hope it can make it’s leap from the drawing board into reality. Would be a huge example of Gamification. A proposal  for a new design by the architectural firm AZC called ‘A Bridge in Paris’ will add a unique flair to the city. Just...
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Gamification: the golden seconds prior to boarding

Something got you here. But how do I pull you in? What can I do to make you read further? That should be the most important question people should ask themselves regarding to Gamification and many other area’s for that matter. Get noticed, that’s what the first step is all about. That is a huge challenge, because we have less than 10 seconds before a visitor decides to board. At this point I...
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Gamification: the next phase!

Within the 10 years I worked in the gaming industry guiding (together with a great team of passionate people) Youdagames into the international (sub)top, I also made a lot of mistakes. But on the good side, a lot can be learned from failure. One lesson could be that you have reached your limits. Gamification as it is presented now is reaching its limits. In many posts writers are explaining that...
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