7 advantages for organizations that apply Gamification

Gamification adds fun to any given entity. For me personally this would be enough to apply it. For everyone who still has doubts, it’s my pleasure to explain some advantages in more detail. Take a look at the software we use every day: websites, mobile apps, software we use at work, to name a few. We have reached a stage in which everything works just fine. It’s a craft we pretty much...
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Gamify the registration of working hours!

Since I made a career switch into a Gamifier and have my focus on Gamification, I see things differently. “How can I make something more fun?”, is a question that often pops into my mind. This is also the case with the time registration process for employees. A nightmare to most of us. Sometimes it puts pressure on people that really don’t need it and it just is a very boring task, that...
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It’s time to unleash the real power of Gamification!

I like professor Scott Nicholson’s thoughts about Gamification. He is one of the few that looks beyond the current solutions that are being offered. Today it’s all about applying reward systems on a non game environment. Why? Because if done right, it simply does the job. I also use that mechanism, because it is easy to apply and combined with meaningful rewards it can help reach business...
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What if I could use invisibility in my concepts?

I want to explore possibilities beyond common boundaries, not stay in my own familiar comfort zone when it comes to creating new concepts. Some solutions might popup that look like science fiction, so it’s very hard to think beyond that huge barrier that blocks our imagination. We all thought at a certain point in our childhood: “wouldn’t it be great if I could be invisible.” Think about...
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Gamification and Society 3.0

The book Society 3.0 written by Ronald van den Hoff, grabbed me. The book matched my thinking about our society, it intrigued me from the first page to the last one. The co-working organization Seats2meet, founded by Mariëlle Sijgers and Ronald van den Hoff, brings the theory of society 3.0 to life! You have to read the book and experience the atmosphere at Seats2meet to fully understand what...
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