The urge to play is in all of us

At six November 2012 I had the pleasure of giving a talk about gamification at the Games for Health Europe conference. Realizing that a lot of people still don’t know what it implies, I decided to give a presentation about gamification in general trying to inspire people. According to the reactions I achieved my goal. One of my topics is: “gamification should imply fun.” Still there is a...
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Six reasons for educational change!

Knowledge is the biggest value humans have and still we let our educational system go down the drain. A lot of talk, no change! We need to understand that change is needed to improve education. The solution lies beyond the knowledge of teachers. Gamification can change this landscape and improve the system. But it will only work if it is done right! Start building high quality educational games....
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Gamification of sex!?

Will we have Sex+ next to Nike+ anytime soon? Is there no privacy left? Apparently not! Well at least youngsters in Sweden don’t mind sharing their “under the sheets” performance. Proves that we live in a world that becomes more transparent every day. Is this a bad thing? In this case: “no!” This brilliant campaign made young people aware of the danger of not having safe sex. The...
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Witness the power of gamification

Must see! When the fun starts you can give it a name: “gamification!” This surprise challenge from Coke Zero sure motivates, otherwise contestants wouldn’t run this fast. But what’s their goal and who wins? It says the goal is: “Unlock the 007 in you. You have 70 seconds!” I believe it unlocks something else. The youtube video published on the 18th of October is already viewed over 3...
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Revealing interview

Douglas Stewart picked my brain and put his findings on paper in this revealing interview he did with me. I talked about the concerns I have with the movement, where my passion comes from, how I want to promote a better vision about Gamification and what it means. About two weeks ago Douglas asked me if I wanted to do an interview with him and if I needed to prepare it. I said that I want it to...
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