Afraid of spiders? The cure is Gamification.

A loud scream, panic and my mother jumped on our couch within a blink of an eye. That was something I witnessed a couple of times when I was a kid. Did the earth move? Did lightning struck our house? No, a small (one inch) black, hairy spider entered the room. I live in the Netherlands so there is no chance that the spider was poisonous. Still the level of anxiety my mother experienced was huge....
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Impulse AR – 3 reasons 2 share

In search of news interesting enough to share with my followers on Social Media I decided to do something more with the stuff I gather. The week after I pick out the ones that got most attention and give you three personal reasons why I picked that specific post. Would just love it if you could do the same for me in a comment. That way we can learn form each other. When a particular post creates...
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Gamification of soccer

I am so excited about this that I had to find the time in this week’s busy schedule to put it in writing. In one of my earlier posts (September 18, 2012), a new era unfolds, I wrote this: “My middle son is a soccer fan and so am I. We both play soccer and follow the Dutch competition. My youngest son doesn’t play soccer and is less interested in the real thing, but he plays FIFA 2012...
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Achievement Unlocked

  Sam Geuter is the first foreign guest writer on my site. I am very happy to introduce him to you through an interesting post he wrote especially for It is no coincidence that my site is in English (which is much harder for me to maintain). The whole point is to get opinions from abroad, so I am excited and happy that Sam stepped up and shared his thoughts. In return I will...
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Gamification got swagger

Never thought that I would use the word “swagger” in a subject of one of my post, but I did. Couldn’t think of a phrase that would be more appropriate. Watch the video and find out why. A famous US rapper called “Camillionaire” talks about his experience with gamification to engage his fans. I listened to him talk passionate about his business and how gamification works for him. This is...
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