Do we ‘like’ the want button?

As soon as the ‘want’ button was brought to my attention, I kept thinking about it. Will it have a positive effect on the consumer, or only on business? Maybe it could even  serve both interests. The way it is presented here (image above)  would be the way to go. It gives companies additional information directly from the consumer, which is valuable. However, it is a ‘want’...
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Dutch government gamifies job hunt

An organization of the government (UWV) that takes care of unemployed people recently launched a job interview game. This organization wants to reach out to youngsters with a low and medium education, because this is the group with the highest unemployment rate. With the job interview game the government wants to improve 5 skills. Every skill consists of a ‘fun game’ that motivates the...
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New e-Bike adds gamification to cycling

Must see! Very cool bike. Nice example of added value by gamification. When you buy a fun thing, like this, you should be able to have fun with it. Making a connection with an iPhone app is the smart thing to do. Featuring a 2.3kW electric motor and a full on-board computer that connects to your smartphone, this new bicycle offers challenges and performance tips to riders. Is this the dawn of a...
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Make things fun

Gamification of software has my focus, but I just love it when I encounter samples of gamification in real life that make me laugh. This is one I just needed to share with you. The marketing effect this machine has is huge! It’s a new way of doing marketing, that is fun for business and consumers. It really fits my definition of gamification: “Make things fun by adding game elements...
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Gaming in the Classroom

Gaming is increasingly changing once sterile classrooms into interactive places of learning: From Social Media to QR Codes and Serious MMO’s, the pressure is not only teachers and parents to understand how to integrate the best elements of Gamification into educational pursuits, but also on developers as the market of game education explodes! via Infographic: Gaming in the...
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